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Christmas Special
Just in time for the Holidays
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Getting a new computer? Need help setting it up? Want to give
your old computer to a friend or relative but need to clean it up
or give it a little upgrade?
Give us a call for $55 we can get your new computer all set up
and ready to go with virus protection and removal of some of the
programs that the manufacturers like to cram on a new computer.
Want to give the old computer to Granny? Let us clean up all
your old software and files off that machine, we can physically
clean and prep the computer for the new owner. We can also add some
more memory or bump up the hard drive space if you like at the same
time. For just $110 we can get that old computer running so good
you'll have second thoughts about giving it away.
Need help setting up that new TV, DVD/BlueRay, Game System? Got
some new software you need on your computer? Adding a laptop or
tablet to your home network and want to make sure everything can
connect to the internet and to each other? Give us a call we are
happy to help with any of these tasks as well. We offer
professional help at friendly prices for any on your tech